Bern Pilates is a fully equipped Pilates studio in Noosa Springs providing a wide range of Pilates services to suit everyone. Bernie Smytz is a registered Physiotherapist and fully qualified Pilates Instructor with Pilates International.
The Bern Pilates studio was opened in 2009, Bernies vision was to instil positive change into each of her clients with her unique approach to exercise therapy. She combines her Physio skills with her Pilates specialisation to provide a safe and effective exercise programmes for the healthy, the injured, the pre and post natal mums, the sports enthusiast , the young and the older.
Choose between private classes and small group tuition. Matwork and Studio sessions available. Bookings Essential.
- AddressThe Pilates Studio, Noosa Springs Drive, Noosa Heads, QLD
- Phone
- E-mail
- Website
- CategoryActivities, Health, Wellbeing
- LocationNoosa Heads

- By Noosadays
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