Noosa National Park encompasses an area of more than 4,000 hectares, including sections surrounding Lake Weyba, Peregian and Coolum. The park is extremely important for nature conservation and is home to several rare and threatened species. Noosa National Park is one of Australia’s favourites and is one of the easiest to access by foot from local areas.
The park is loved by locals and tourists alike, A range of different vegetation stimulates the senses, from rain forest through to areas of coastal bush with iconic Pandanus and Banksia.
Along the coastal track through the park you will pass many beaches.
Tea Tree Bay A very pretty bay that is very popular with the many visitors to Noosa, just a short stroll through the very beautiful Noosa National Park.
Due to the beaches proximity to Hastings Street it is very popular with tourists.
Granite Bay This beach located in the Noosa National Park changes between sand and large granite pebbles.
At high tide the beach all but disappears, however in recent times due to storm activity there is a great deal more sand. National Parks recently built access ways to Granite Bay, making it much easier to access.
Alexandria Bay Take one of the many walking trails through Noosa National Park and spend a day at Alexandria Bay. Take food and plenty of water as the walk is quite long.
This beach is clothes optional, nudist or naturist, whichever term you prefer. The beach is home to the annual Alexandria Beach Carnival where crowds of 400 to 500 people participate or watch various nude sporting and fun activities. The beach is not regularly patrolled and swimming is not recommended as there have been a number of fatalities due to strong rips and currents.
There is a special free to join social network for fans of Alexandria Bay Noosa.
The Park has over 15 km of walking tracks marked with colour-coded signposts. On hot summer days, the Tanglewood track and the Palm Grove circuit through rainforest, provide cool alternatives to the beach.
To download a copy of the walking tracks click HERE
You can help protect the park by following these guidelines:
Leave your pets at home; they are prohibited in the national park. Pets can frighten or kill wildlife, annoy other visitors or become lost.
Do not feed or leave food for animals. Human food can harm wildlife and cause some animals to become aggressive.
Everything within the national park is protected. Do not take or interfere with plants or animals.
Take your rubbish out of the park for appropriate disposal.
Bicycles, scooters, skateboards and rollerblades are not allowed on any of the tracks within the park.
Stay on tracks. Do not cut corners or create new tracks, as this causes erosion. Keep out of the fenced dune area behind Alexandria Bay, as this area erodes easily.
But Most importantly enjoy the beautiful environment that is Noosa National Park.
- CategoryDO, MUST SEE
- LocationNoosa Heads

- By Noosadays
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