Saint Thomas More is a Catholic School, and parents by enrolling children here are affirming their commitment to Catholic Education, and to the values and belief system that it upholds.
The Patron of our school Sir (Saint) Thomas More was a man who valued personal integrity and his faith to the extent that he was prepared to sacrifice his own life rather than betray them. He is a fine role model for all of us here at Saint Thomas More School as we strive to be faithful to the Gospel in our own life situation, and to pass that Faith on to the children entrusted to our care as parents and teachers.
Here at Saint Thomas More School we seek to educate the whole person. We endeavour to cater for a wide range of needs including, religious, moral, social, intellectual, physical, emotional and aesthetic ; and in doing so hope to provide a secure learning environment where children have the opportunity to achieve their potential. We promote in a special way the ideals of respect, honesty, tolerance, cooperation, and a genuine concern for the welfare of others.
The success of the partnership that exists between the home and the school is dependent on honest and open communication; and on parental involvement in the school in a variety of ways – P&F activities, classroom assistance, tuckshop, working bees etc. We have a proud history of active parental involvement – and it is vital that we all do our part to keep this tradition alive.
- AddressBen Lexcen Drive, Sunshine Beach QLD 4567
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- CategoryEducation
- LocationSunshine Beach

- By Noosadays
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